Does Network Marketing Or MLM Really Work? Or is Network Marketing a Scam?

Isn’t that what a lot of people really want to know? There is something inside of each person that is afraid that network marketing is just a scam. After all, if you research network marketing or MLM on the internet you will find various people that proclaim that network marketing is a scam.

So what’s the truth? Does MLM really work? Do you stand a chance of making residual income?

Well, first let me tell you a little bit about myself and my story. Before I begin, let me emphasize that this is the truth. This is my story of how I got involved in network marketing. It will help you decide whether or not you think network marketing is a scam or not.

I dropped out of university at the age of 21. I didn’t drop out for lack of good grades… in fact, I made the Dean’s List two years in a row. I was an A student. School never really was hard for me.

So why did I drop out?

I wanted to get married, make money, and have some kids. And I just didn’t believe that the educational system was going to get me there very fast. So I decided to do the “unthinkable” and drop out early.

When my professor found out that I wasn’t going to finish my education she said to me, “Dave, good luck in the real world, you’re never going to make it”.

Ouch! Not a very promising start to my journey of creating my own future instead of relying on some outdated system that everyone blindly buys into.

Needless to say, I became a very successful Land Agent in the Oil and Gas industry and within 4 years I had exactly what I wanted (or so I thought)- a beautiful wife, kids, and money. But, the more money I made the more bills I had. Every time I made more money, I went and bought a bigger house, a better car, more clothes, etc.

I hated going on holidays because I worked as a contractor. I didn’t get paid vacation. So when I went away with my family on vacation I was always thinking about the bills that needed to be paid.

Eventually I became open to the idea of residual income. I wanted money to come in while I was sleeping, golfing, vacationing, traveling, etc. And my current job was not going to get me there.

So I began studying the business model of network marketing. After studying the business model I was convinced that network marketing was the greatest business model in the world. I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t got involved earlier in my life.

One year after getting involved in network marketing I was making more money than my previous job. And it was residual income!

Now, this might not happen to everyone… you see, I’m a real go-getter. I stop at nothing. I do whatever it takes to succeed. Most people don’t even try. As soon as any obstacles arise they simply quit. I never quit.. and trust me, I went through my share of obstacles my first year in network marketing.

Even if it would have taken 5 years to acquire residual income, I would have stuck to it. What I’ve found is that most people who join network marketing are looking for an easy way out. They don’t understand it is a real business that requires real effort.

But, anyone who joins a good company at the right time and works the system will be reap the rewards of their labor.

So why does network marketing work? Why isn’t it a scam?

- It allows anyone to start their own business for a fraction of the cost of a franchise
- There is unlimited income potential
- No employees
- No overhead
- Ability to tap into a global economy
- Personal growth development
- Tax savings

And the list goes on.

Why would you listen to someone who has never had success in network marketing or MLM? Most people who say that network marketing is a scam are people who have failed at network marketing.

Think about it. Would you take marital advice from someone who has been divorced? Would you learn how to play golf from someone who scores 120? Would you learn how to play basketball from someone who has never made a three-point shot in their life?

So why do people listen to all those nay-sayers who say network marketing doesn’t work. That is such a lie. Not only am I living proof that it does work but network marketing has been around for over 65 years and it is currently booming.

The truth is network marketing does work. It works for those who are willing to work.

Network marketing is NOT a scam. As long as the company sells a legitimate product then it is a real opportunity.

But here’s the thing… not all network marketing companies give you the same chance for success. Just like not all franchises are great buying opportunities.

You need to do your due diligence and join a network marketing company that has:

1. A good product
2. A great management team
3. No debt
4. Good timing
5. A proven marketing system

If you take these into consideration and join a company that has all 5 ingredients then your chances for success skyrocket. Yes, you still need to work hard. You still need to be patient. You still need to be consistent. You still need to treat it like a real business.

But, if you do these things then you will probably reap the financial rewards that thousands of others have experienced through network marketing.

To Your Success!

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